Change is good!

It has taken me just over 47 years to be able to utter this phrase without grimacing in the “I’m saying this because I know this is what you’re supposed to say as a mature adult faced with a huge transition” way. The truth is, change IS good. It’s also packed with complication, mixed feelings, a moment or day (or two) of panic, excitement and a host of other emotions and thoughts. This is a big basket of processing which is not to be taken lightly. At least not for me.
Once, not long ago, I was faced with leaving a company where I had worked for nearly 22 years.You can only imagine the level of anxious, free-falling feeling as 22 years of structure, that familiar path to the coffee pot, my parking space, friends, working dynamics and other notions of security were suddenly gone. I say “notions” because that is what they are….these are nothing short of false beliefs. Nothing is secure or forever. Now, you might be saying “thanks a lot for the pick-me-up, Heidi (eye-roll)”, but I think this is a good reality to embrace.

We will always strive to grasp at things, people, jobs, homes, our corner coffee shop to keep us safe…that’s our human nature. We want to be known, have familiarity, feel connected to things that are predictable. ALL GOOD THINGS. However, if we are not open to change from time to time, we are also setting ourselves up to miss out on new things we can learn about ourselves, about the world, about others. And, we’re setting ourselves up to sustain more damage from the change that is inevitably going to present itself at some point in our lives.

You know how they always talk about car accidents and the people who were relaxed (drunk or asleep usually) sustain the fewest injuries. Those that cringe, tense up, and brace against the impact are the most injured. Sorry if this is a bit of a weird example, but it’s kind of like that with change….only with totally conscious and sober people. If you brace yourself against it, you’ll most likely have a tougher time adapting and seeing the change for its positive aspects. Stay loose and the rug that just got pulled out from under you will leave a shiny new floor upon which to stand. Or that opportunity that causes the fear jitters to start can become the next best, richest experience of your life.

Nothing in this world is secure or forever. And that’s a good thing.

Love and Art,

*Heidi Riehl has been an absolute GODSEND over the last few months and it is with heavy hearts that we say good-bye for now. She will be setting out on a new adventure and we will miss her terribly, but wish her all the best as she explores what’s next!

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